
Responsive Internet Services

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Using Food For Names

Hi again from Carol,

I used to think that using food names for Company Titles or using names of actual people was no big deal.

That was before I met people very tormented by food disorders.  Must we use food names and alter peoples eating habits?  Some food is starting to get bad reputations now, and some people had a hard enough time keeping their food down before we started using food for names of Corporate entities.

Yes I am talking about Apple, Mac, Blackberry, LuLuLemon, Sage, Wild Apricot....etc.  Some people have totally vowed off these foods now, as if people don't have enough problems finding their next meal without having the 1%, and Corporate moneymaking machines in their face and stomachs all the time.

I often think about French Fries and wonder how that is affecting French people and even if the French language will be around much longer.

Of course that is a different type of problem.


  1. Very sweet Carol, you hit the nail on the head with this growing problem of boycotting foods and the disappearance of the French language

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Although this topic isn't currently trending, lll assume for the sake of argument its a post industrial problem. I have never heard of this dilemma up until 1 hour ago and its the first time in the history of man kind its ever been discussed. Kudos to you for coming up with something original!
